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"The Black Riders"  India Ink & Dip Pen

"Traveler" India Ink & Dip Pen

"Snow Griffin" Pantel Ink & Brush Pen

"Horned Cheetah"  Watercolor

"Cloud Chaser Eagle"  Watercolor

"Oriole scientific Illustrations" Watercolor & Digital

"Dryad saddle scientific illustration"  Digital

"Goblin Palz Stationary Set" digital

" The Neverending Story; Atreu stumbles across Gmorg"  digital

"The Hobbit; Bilbo hides from Smaug" Interior Illustration Digital

"Birates, Mtg LGBT"  Inspired by Magic the Gathering  Digital

"Flaming lesbians, Mtg LGBT" Inspired by Magic the Gathering  Digital 

"Sunfire" gGouache

"Oma" Watercolor

"Mustang Stamp Mockup" watercolor

"Long May He Reign" Inspired by Critical Roll  Watercolor & Digital

"Baba Yaga Halloween gift bag"  

"Baba Yaga Halloween gift bag Illuminated"

"Sorceress of Shanghai" Watercolor & Ink

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