My name is Raphaelle S Depuhl. I’m was raised in Miami Florida, and now lives part time in Milwaukee, where I went to school at Milwaukee institute of art and design. There I majored in illustration with a minor in science and industrial design. I’ve worked doing character design and illustration commissions as well as aparel design for an equestrian boutique. I have also exhibited at events like Story and Craft: a Magic the Gathering exhibition in the student exhibit, and south Florida Comicon artist ally. I like to do fantastical illustration that tells a story, using a range of different media. I get my inspiration from my many interests which include fantasy, books, science, nature, history, cultures and anything else you could find on a library shelf. My hobbies include, reading, art, being a librarian, archery, bow making, medieval combat, ink making and other historical art making forms, sorcery of the darkest kind, botany, bone collecting, and thrifting.
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